Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day18 - Tuesday 19/10/10 - Weather, Clear dry and Hot.

Leave Port Headland at 5.00am after breakfast in the dining room and the temp is 16 degrees head for Roebourne Roadhouse for the first fuel stop, Steve has been road testing a new Goldwing for this distance and was uncatchable until we met at the first stop just over 200 Klm's.
Honda allocated this bike for anybody to test while on the ride most comments say great bike but not quite what they were looking for yet we have quite a few on the ride?
The next stop was Fortescue River where we got more fuel and had a good stretch, then back on the bikes and onto Nanutarra Roadhouse for the next fuel stop and lunch.
The last fuel stop for the day is Minilya Roadhouse and then into Carnarvon for the night.
The main differences here in Landscape is that in the Northern Territory they actually burn back about 30 metres off the road so you can see whats likely to jump in front of you but here we find the bush encroaching very close to the road.
I had an interesting stare down with an Emu today his mates had run off but this one in particular was happy to stay on the road and check me right out, not sure which way he was likely to run I slowed to just about walking pace to pass while he seemed intent to look at the bike up and down then front to back.
This is the biggest kilometer day on the whole trip and now completed the rest seem like normal day rides.
Total klm's 8,084

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